Home Products Sand Mixers M-Series Sand Mixers Models MK-Series Mixer Kits
Palmer personnel understand the need to customize installations at your facility. We are also fully aware of the requirements of being cost conscious. The MK-Series Kit Mixer Program fills both of these requirements.
For each size of mixer that Palmer produces, there is an equivalent kit mixer. Kit Mixers come in two levels:
Level 1 – Includes complete mixing chamber and sand metering slidegate.
Level 2 – Includes Level 1 components plus all required electrical controls and pumping system necessary
for operation.
Descriptions of the primary components are the same as those detailed in the M-Series information included on
this web site.
If a chamber only system were purchased, the user could simply remove the mixing head from an existing sand mixer and replace it with the new kit mixer. This is an excellent option for those customers that have a sound electrical and pumping system but have a worn or inefficient mixing chamber.
If a complete kit-mixer system were purchased, the end user would receive all primary mixing system components (mixing chamber, electrical controls, and pumping system), the same components as are standard on a full mixing system. The only difference is that the mixing chamber would not be mounted on any form of a base and the electrical and pump enclosures would ship loose. All interconnecting wiring and mounting of the components is the responsibility of the customer.
Generally, the purchase of a full kit mixing systems will save between 15 and 20% of the price of a complete M-Series system. All standard options of the M-Series are available.
If you are in the market for a rugged mixing system but do not want to pay the price for an integral system or it is easier for you to install your own mixer based on clearance issues, core machine location, available skilled or experienced installation labor, etc. the MK-Series may be the best option for you. As always, the MK Series is backed by Palmer’s sales and service staff and one year warranty.
Please feel free to browse through the M-Series Mixers and Options to determine what you need in your MK-Series Kit Mixer.
Article Basic Principles of Sand Mixing
Article Mixer and Compaction Calibration
Article Understanding Mixer Pumping Systems
Video Palmer M-Series XLD Continuous Sand Mixers.
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